Post 6

Today I had a lesson with Fling again and we did The Circling Game for a while and then I hopped on and off bareback a few times.  Then I did chores; cleaned the stalls, filled waters, put out hay and picked the turnouts before blasting the radio and organizing the tack room which now has all my “Falah stuff” in it.  Then I worked Falah;  we did the question box/cones again and he did even better than the last time!  I think he’s starting to ask instead of anticipate a change.  So instead of changing gait whenever he passes through the cones he waits for me to tell him to do something different or stay the same.  I did everything with the bareback pad on today and then didn’t ride him.  I have to be sure to change things up and not always do what he expects.  I don’t want Falah to think saddle equals riding because that can be where he starts not liking the saddle so sometimes I use the saddle or the bareback pad, sometimes nothing at all to always keep him on his toes.

The day ended with me hosing Falah off which he loved and then I took Mary Matilda out and worked with her for a little bit.  Tomorrow I have a lesson with Falah and then a short one with Matilda.  I’m thinking we’ll work on the Question Box and the Cloverleaf, but I can never be sure!  No exciting videos for today, sorry, but either photos or videos tomorrow!


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