Lights, Camera, Action!

As you read in my last post, Saga City Productions came on Sunday to film Lucky Horse and Falah and I with it!  The day started with me freaking out over knowing what to say (They kindly sent some of the questions ahead) and repeating the answers to anyone who would listen as I gave Falah the spa treatment to make him beautiful.  I arrived at 12 and by 1:30 had Falah shiny and sparkling clean.  The filming ran a little behind schedule so I got to peek in on Nicole (another volunteer) talk about the rescue along with some general horsey facts for the kids that will be watching.  I slipped away during a break in the filming and warmed up Falah in the pony ring.  He did great but it took me a little while to calm him down when the tarp “jumped up and attacked him.”

Then it was my turn!  Before we could really start, a pony got loose in the big outdoor ring, and all the horses went crazy which of course made Falah a bit crazy.  I had to keep his mind on me and circle him making sure he didn’t come in.  After the excitement died down we started filming.  We started with a little run through a few of the games and Addison (the 12 year old host of the filler) threw the ball back and forth with me over Falah.  She even accidentally hit Falah with it and he didn’t flinch a bit!!  Then I had the interview questions which took a while because planes and cars kept going by which messed with the sound.  But we got through it and ended the filming except one part.

Addy got on Falah bareback and did the ending section of filming!  Even though Falah was only standing this is a huge accomplishment to have a 12 year old girl on his back and him not get snarky at all!!  It probably helped that his only association with Addy was the treats she had given him earlier but it still made me proud to see him looking like an old nag with a new girl on his back!  Check them out!  They both look very happy!

Everyone down to the sound and camera man were extremely nice and supportive throughout the whole process.  Bonnie (the one to contact Jen) said we probably made Addy’s day by letting her sit on Falah which I liked because Addy was really nice too.  She must have wished me Happy Birthday at least 4 times and Falah liked her too!  So Thank you Saga City Productions, Addy, Bonnie and the whole crew so much for coming out and giving Falah and I the chance to spread awareness about rescue horses!

Here’s a shot of Addy, Jen, Falah and I after filming!  Thanks guys!

P.S-  They didn’t actually say “action” but I thought the title was catchy 😛

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